Bottle Collection
Planning a Visit? Please bring unbroken glass bottles with you.
Especially keen for blue, red and clear.

Finally, we ask that you bring your recycling
Because the threat to the earth, is nothing short of frightening
We want your glass bottles of clear, green and blue
In the thousands, we wish to accrue
An excuse from today, to visit Dan Murphy's
Coronoa, Bombay, Heineken or Furphies
Humbly we ask you to start collecting
and deliver when our wedding, you are attending
For those unaware, we add a paragraph
Each Bottle we shall take and slice it in half
Cleaned and dried, two halves make a whole
A similar shape to an Aussie Sausage Roll
This new whole makes a 'bottle brick'
Then mixing mortar, here comes the trick

In neat arrangements the bottles are placed
Precision important, they must be equally spaced
With a little time, cement grips bottles tight
And then we reveal a viewers delight
You've helped us build a beautiful wall
thats different through day and after nightfall